DTLA Stage
We are experiencing a power struggle in cities – the municipal leaders are pushing back on disruptive mobility providers, insisting that they control the terms. Can the public and private sectors work together in the new mobility revolution? What do cities have to gain from embracing new innovations in transport? What are the respective responsibilities, and are these changing?
DTLA Stage
The sheer amount of data produced by mobility services and transit agencies can help us plan much better transportation solutions. Shared and standardized data flow can help create multimodal systems and facilitate mobility-as-a-service. What role should cities and public agencies themselves play in creating new standards and APIs? How should data be regulated, and by whom?
DTLA Stage
DTLA Stage
The rapid adoption of micromobility modes in cities worldwide has made strides in addressing the first/last mile problem and is shrinking the physical footprint of urban transport. While these smaller, electric options make better use of limited city space, the relationship between private operators and city governments has been challenging for both sides. How can we foster a more productive path forward that protects public good and enhances private business as micromobility expands further?
Westside Stage
Walking, cycling, and electric vehicles of all shapes and sizes herald a decisive shift away from fossil fuels and their pollution. How should we prioritize these modes, what policies should we draft to promote them, and how do we deploy new infrastructure and services to support them? Where are the biggest gains to be made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and how do we make them equitable?
DTLA Stage
Keynote presentation on the potential 5G will unlock for the Future of Mobility in cities and beyond.
DTLA Stage
The expansion of mobility options has exciting -- and challenging -- implications for real estate and for civic space, from transit oriented developments in formerly carbound LA, to linear parks on a defunct Dallas airfield, to repurposed parking structures in every city where they are becoming underused. As buildings, streets, and parking lots are transformed from static assets into dynamically used places, we’ll talk about the opportunities emerging for commuters, communities, designers and owners of the land.
Westside Stage
Survey Says – “Transit & Mobility Trends”
Presented by Trapeze
Location: ROW Workshop 1
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The Role of PPPs in Progressing Mobility Solutions
Presented by Planet M
Location: ROW Workshop 2
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Let’s Get Real: Lessons learned from real world AV and human-driven deployments
Presented by Bestmile
Location: ROW Workshop 3
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Streets that fit: Re-spacing Mobility for the 21 st Century
Presented by ITF
Location: ROW Meeting 4
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Investing in New Mobility is an Investment in the Future of Cities and Climate Action
Presented by the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI)
So You Think You Can Code the Curb? (SYTYCCC): Real Talk About What it Takes to Digitize, Maintain, and Message Curb Asset Information
Presented by Nelson\Nygaard
Can we flip the script on LA’s car culture? Looking towards LA Metro’s Vision 2028 goal of doubling non-drive alone trips, how do we best manage private mobility infrastructure on public streets towards our goals? What changes to public infrastructure are needed (dedicated space to load, park and ride) and what regulation is needed to level the playing field to preserve competitive, reduce negative impacts, and ensure access to a variety of transportation options for everyone?
DTLA Stage
Westside Stage
The way people move, work and play is changing rapidly. How will the intersection of new mobility, changing work patterns and the energy revolution unfold on our cities? What infrastructure changes will support changing mobility patterns and the electrification of streets and how will these forces alter and shape real estate developments overall?
Westside Stage
On-demand mobility, blockchain, micromobility pilot programs, and electric vehicle innovations are dramatically and rapidly shaping our cities. How are our governments keeping up with the fast pace of cutting-edge technology and what partnerships need to be perfected between public parties and private operators for success in the future?
DTLA Stage
Polycentric cities like LA are now looking to the skies as a new way of sustainably moving people and goods. What is the potential of urban air mobility? What is the role of the public sector in paving the way for UAVs and in regulating the space? When will UAM be a reality, and what will this look like?
Westside Stage
Pedestrianization of streets is becoming more popular by the minute with major cities around the world closing streets to cars. Walkable cities provide a high quality of life for their residents while prioritizing environmental sustainability and public health but increased foot traffic can also boost economic success for nearby businesses and improve safety. How are cities prioritizing walkability through policy and infrastructure changes and how do these changes affect a city's transportation system as a whole? How do walkability and economic success correlate?
DTLA Stage
The last few years have seen a wave of new mobility solutions from ridesharing to electric scooters, from carpooling to shared bike systems. Yet they are rarely integrated. They often compete with public transit offers rather than complementing them. How can these various solutions be integrated to allow transit users a seamless experience? What does tomorrow’s mobility platform look like? And what can cities do to prevent the integration of incompatible “walled gardens” controlled by private operators?
Westside Stage
Prototyping with Car-Free Zones
Presented by Lyon Metropole and the City of Boston
Location: ROW Workshop 1
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How Mobility Innovators can Work With New York City
Presented by Transit Tech Lab
Location: ROW Workshop 3
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Aligning Governance Issues with Customer Experience Continuity in Urban Mobility
Presented by the International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
Location: LACI 401
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Smart and e-Mobility - From Big Data to Smart and Sustainable Technologies: What can We Learn from Dutch Experiences?
Presented by Coast to Coast Smart e-Mobility
Location: LACI 402
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Future Streets
Presented by New London Architecture
Collaborating and Accelerating Towards an Emission Zero Heavy Duty Sector
Presented by Shell
New technologies such as automation are revolutionizing mobility and user behavior. We must use these advances to center the safety, accessibility, and sustainability of our mobility systems. What public policy, public engagement, infrastructure, and insurance solutions are arising in response to address the public’s perception of these emerging technologies? How are these emerging modes and technologies being integrated within the existing ecosystem of public transportation and the allocation of public space?
DTLA Stage
As the ways we move throughout our cities evolve, are our solutions driven by style, substance, or some combination of the both?
DTLA Stage
Cities, transit agencies and operators, as well as mobility providers, must shift their fleets to clean energy, whether electric or hydrogen, to ensure significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. How can we ensure a swift transition to clean energy? What solutions exist? Is the infrastructure ready? What incentives need to be put in place? What role must the public sector play in this transition?
DTLA Stage
DTLA Stage
Technology is rapidly propelling the world towards an exciting future, but the nation’s critical infrastructure is decades behind. How can cities catch up and integrate the world of the future with citizen’s lives today?
DTLA Stage
The macro-level problems that we are trying to solve and the unconventional tools that we can use to solve them need to disrupt the current and historical paradigm of transport These methods should go above and beyond infrastructure and workforce development. What are we doing to make it better for the existing riders and what’s next?
DTLA Stage
Our cities are increasingly congested as the number of single occupancy vehicles on our roads continues to rise, and as new mobility services contend for street space and curb access. How can the public and private sectors ensure our cities remain livable and that space is shared appropriately? How can tools such as congestion charges and curb pricing aid cities in this?
DTLA Stage
Shared mobility options are becoming increasingly important factors in our cities' transportation systems. Private operators are expanding their scope, size, and services provided, reducing the need to own a private vehicle, and filling in the gaps where other modes are less accessible or attractive to urban dwellers. What does it take to improve on-demand operations to integrate seamlessly into public transport, walking, and biking trips, and how can our government agencies evolve to derive maximum benefits from shared mobility options?
Westside Stage
Cities and companies alike are scrambling to control the vast troves of data created from public infrastructure, pitting fluent technologists against committed public servants. How can we defuse this tension, demystifying the use of individual data and making its collection more transparent and equitable? What rights do cities have to data created from the public realm? How can governments, citizens, and private companies work together to shape the use of and access to data?
DTLA Stage
Westside Stage
The automotive distributor model has remained unchanged for decades. But how might new modes of mobility such as electric cars, online direct-to-consumer platforms, and MaaS force the automotive industry to abandon its independent dealership model and transform? Is it possible for new technologies to further disrupt the automotive and, more generally, mobility, industry in a positive way? How do we foresee these changes taking place in different contexts around the world?
Westside Stage
Designing for sustainability and life cycle management
Presented by Covestro
Location: ROW Workshop 1
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MOVING US - Governing Sustainable Mobility Systems and Partnerships
Presented by Forum for the Future and TransitCenter
Location: ROW Workshop 3
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Lessons from new mobility pilots
Presented by New Urban Mobility Alliance (NUMO)
Location: ROW Meeting 4
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Clearing Key Legal Hurdles of the LA Last Mile
Presented by Nixon Peabody
Location: LACI 402
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Designing Urban Aerial Mobility Policy and Governance
Presented by The City of Los Angeles and the World Economic Forum
Driving Mobility Growth in Talent, Technology, and Ecosystems
Presented by LA County Economic Development Corporation and Detroit Mobility Lab
Location: LACI 127 Amphitheater
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